Zoom Room: Helping You Connect!
Free, Confidential Zoom Room* at the District

*Neither the District nor its Zoom Room is an affiliate of or endorsed or sponsored by Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
If you do not have access to all the required computer equipment or devices to access services virtually, please consider making an appointment with the Camarillo Health Care District Zoom Room Program. The Zoom Room Program provides a confidential setting equipped with the necessary computer components and services to help you conduct virtual calls for such activities as medical provider calls, attorney calls, family fun and connectivity calls (birthdays, anniversaries, births, weddings, etc), or other online services to conduct activities of daily living, including grocery shopping or the arrangement of other online services.
The Zoom Room Program is available at no charge in 30-minute appointments (longer can be pre-arranged if your activity will take longer), and is housed in the quiet setting of our Caregiver Center library. District staff will appropriately assist you in making your connection and then will respectfully leave the room. They remain available should you need assistance during the call and can be summoned. The Zoom Room Program can also be utilized for tutorial practice in using the equipment whether or not you have a specific call to make. The Zoom Room is sanitized following each appointment. Please call 800-900-8582 to make an appointment.
*Filters are in place on the equipment to restrict inappropriate use and any inappropriate use will result in denial of use.
You might also benefit from the Digital Bridge Program, which offers free, one-on-one, telephone assistance or in-person visits at the District to help you gain an understanding of the general use of technology such as iphones, iPads, tablets, and some common applications such as FaceTime, Zoom meetings, and medical Telehealth calls. Learning about these communication opportunities can offer new ways to connect with friends and family, improve access to health services, and alleviate symptoms of isolation, loneliness and depression. Appointments are approximately 30 minutes long, and can be made by calling 805-388-1952.