Care Management Services

Available In-Person or Online — please ask about options
Sometimes life can be very confusing and very different from the "normal" you once knew. Sometimes it's difficult to know where to start. Camarillo Health Care District understands that life transitions can be complicated, frightening and can come with a sense of being overwhelmed.
Care Management Services can help you and your family develop a plan to age as successfully and independently as possible, in your own home. Person-centered plans can be developed utilizing a variety of screenings, such as depression, fall risk, and cognitive decline, while speaking with trained staff members and health coaches, and participating in evidence-based educational activities that help guide you toward your goals.
The Camarillo Health Care District recently began offering SHARE, a program for people experiencing early- to mid-stage dementia, and their caregivers. The acronym stands for support, health, activities, resources and education.
A trained health coach engages in discussions about symptoms, communication and healthy activities, while helping clients plan for the future, keeping the client’s own values and preferences in mind for their life as the disease progresses.
The program, based on research by the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging and funded through a grant from the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation, consists of five sessions with a trained health coach, with an optional sixth session for family to be included.
“They work on specific goals, topics and exercises that help build a shared plan that they can walk away with at the end,” says Lynette Harvey, Clinical Services Director for the Camarillo Health Care District.
A care plan will be developed that reflects the person's personal preferences.
To participate in the program, please call 388-1952, ext. 107, to schedule your individual sessions.
Health Promotion Coaches work one-on-one with you and your family, and your medical team toward your goals. Services include in-person and telephone communication, resources and referrals, assistance with utilizing those resources, and focused work to accomplish your care plan and your health goals.
Camarillo Health Care District is an award-winning agency and has become a model throughout California for innovative and transformative health management that leads to cost-effective health outcomes and optimal living in the client's preferred setting.
If you don't see what you're looking for here on the website, please call toll free to speak with one of our Care Management professionals at 800-900-8582, or email them at Care Management.
Care Consultations
A Plan For Independent Living At Home
Care Management provides confidential in-home visits and assessment along with recommended care plans to support independent living at home.

Care Consultations are confidential, personalized discussions that can help sort out and address issues important to you. The process can help you prioritize needs, address concerns, and make recommended plans for living independently at home. Your plan will also include direct assistance in accessing a broad variety of community resources such as, nutrition services, transportation issues, caregiver burden, home modifications and assistive devices, relaxation and educational opportunities, legal and insurance services — the list is long.
Your consultation is designed for your convenience and preference, either on the phone, in-person at the District, or in your home. We appreciate the strength it takes to approach these issues, and we're here to support you. We look forward to meeting you! Call us at 800-900-8582 or email Blair Barker, Program Officer.
Cognitively Impaired Health Management
Cognitive impairment is caused by multiple factors such as traumatic brain injury, stroke, Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. The goal of Health Management Services for Cognitively Impaired is to identify, address and prioritize your needs, and develop a personalized plan to address those priorities.
You will be assigned a Health Promotion Coach who will work with you to conduct a home safety assessment, an assessment regarding ability to perform activities of daily living, such as eating, bathing and dressing, and support activities, including transportation, laundry and cooking, review of medications, and assessment regarding need for assistance with financial, legal, insurance and housing.
Additionally, your health coach will assist you in accessing a broad variety of community resources, such as nutrition services, transportation issues, caregiver burden, home modifications and assistive devices, relaxation and educational opportunities, legal and insurance services, and more.
You and your Health Coach will then develop a personalized care plan to address your needs. Your coach will work with you for up to 90 days as you work toward your health goals.
Some modules are direct referral based only with eligibility requirements. Please call 805-388-1952, ext. 133, to speak with Blair Barker, Program Officer. Some case management services are available at no charge. We are pleased to serve you.