Podcast episode inspires health and fitness
New stories sought for 'Stories from the Heart'
When we put out a call for health and caregiver stories, Elizabeth answered.
And so did Pattie, Leslie, Dr. Ruby, Susan, Joanna and Christine.
They all worked with Michelle Rogers, our Community Outreach and Education manager who previously worked as a storytelling coach and national manager of USA TODAY's Storytellers Project.
These stories have been recorded as episodes and featured on our podcast, "Stories from the Heart: Inspirational Tales of Life, Love and Learning." You can listen to them here on our website, SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe and like!
Elizabeth's health journey is the latest release as she shares the story of her transformation from glistening English rose to fierce triathlon competitor. It wasn't an easy journey. While growing up, Elizabeth was more likely to be found reading in her bedroom than joining her sister in a game of tag or a backyard race.

Elizabeth's father was her inspiration having rode his bike from Redlands, California, to Marblehead, Massachusetts. "My dad was and is very athletic, playing basketball and running track in high school, joining a softball team in his 30s, running marathons in his 40s, and when he retired in his late 50s he started bicycling again and taking daily 2- to 3-mile walks. Today, at 80, he continues to walk daily," she says.
"Me, I am more like our mother, a delicate English rose that needs to be kept out of direct sunlight and prefers to glisten, not sweat. My pursuits are indoors."
So, how did Elizabeth change her lifestyle and transform into a fierce triathlon competitor?
And tune into the other stories on our podcast. Each story is under 15 minutes -- a great investment in personal connection and inspiration!
Watch videos here of our storytellers at an event last year.
Apply to share your story here.