VR offers interactive games

Studies have shown that seniors over the age of 75 were less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease if they played chess or checkers on a regular basis. The games exercise both sides of the brain, improving decision-making and problem-solving skills, and boost concentration.

So, we are bringing you Interactives using virtual reality, part of our "Independent VR Adventures" series. Put on one of our virtual reality headsets and choose among nine interactive games, including:
- Chess
- Checkers
- Jigsaw 360
- Matching Pairs
- Speed Sort
- Quick Blocks
- Staying Sharp
- 10x10
- Rain Ripples, a meditative game in which you count the ripples.
Call 805-388-1952 to register. Ask to sign up for "Independent Adventures."
Independent Adventures:
10-11 a.m. Monday, March 10
Cost: $10 per session (non-district residents add $4)
Health and Wellness 3D Video Library
If you're looking to improve your health and wellness, from understanding your brain to the benefits of regular exercise and more, our "Independent VR Adventures" series offers videos on a variety of topics while you're immersed in a 3D environment.
Put on one of our virtual headsets and enjoy a number of videos on the topic of health and wellness.
Videos include:
- Your brain on love
- Your brain on pets
- How to turn your walk into a workout
- There's a right way to walk
- Jumping in with both feet
- Rediscovering a passion for soccer
- Find the exercise that works for you
- Find your fabulous through fitness
- Sneak in mini-workouts to stay fit
- How to make walking a habit
- Five strength-training moves to compliment your walk
AARP also offers a video series in the VR application "Alcove." Sign up for our "Independent VR Adventures" and watch the following videos:
- Disrupt aging
- Caregiving
- Veterans
- Health and Wellness
- Entertainment
Most videos are under 10 minutes. You'll have an hour to watch whatever you're interested in.
Call 805-388-1952 to register. Ask to sign up for "Independent Adventures."
Independent Adventures:
10-11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 10
10-11 a.m. Monday, March 10
Cost: $10 per session (non-district residents add $4)
Members of our staff and participants in our "Adventures in VR" classes were interviewed for Camarillo's CityScene TV. Listen to what they had to say about the joy and wonder these classes help spark in people.