Serving You During COVID-19
In response to Governor Newsom’s health orders, and the Ventura County Public Health orders, certain services at Camarillo Health Care District campus remain temporarily suspended. However, many of the District's essential health care services remain available including Home Delivered Meals, Adult Day Center Consultation Services, Caregiver Resources, Care Management and Care Consultations, REACH Consultations for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients, Senior Support Line and other services that can be conducted via telephone or other virtual methods.
The District has also developed two NEW programs specifically to assist you during these transitions to virtual services. Please click here to see information for the Digital Bridge Program, and click here to see information for the Zoom Room Program. These two programs can assist you in becoming more confident in using the computer devices you may already have at home, and/or in providing a space already equipped where you can conduct your virtual appointment needs, such as medical telehealth calls, family connectivity calls, or other online services. Please email Health Promotion Coach Luis Morales III for more information or to make an appointment, or call him at 805-388-1952-ext 206.
General Office: 805-388-1952
Senior Support Line 800-235-9980
Caregiver Center 800-900-8582