Mar 2016: Health Care District CEO Recognized Among Top Women In Business

Kara Ralston Honored for Leadership, Leads Camarillo Health Care District to Award-Winning Status
Camarillo, CA, March 28, 2016 – The Camarillo Health Care District (District) is proud to announce CEO Kara Ralston as a recipient of the Top 50 Women in Business Award by the Pacific Coast Business Times.
Each year the publication accepts nominations for recognition amongst leading ladies throughout the Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo Tri-Counties.
As CEO, Ms. Ralston is responsible for guiding the mission and vision of the District, developing and implementing quality health and wellness services for the community, and leading a team of experienced professionals to achieve a vast array of community health objectives.
A 30-year resident of Ventura County, Ralston has served in a leadership capacity on behalf of many professional and community organizations, and is a featured author and presenter for statewide industry organizations such as the Association of California Health Care Districts and California Special Districts Association.
District Board of Directors President, Rodger Brown, said Ralston’s award is well-deserved. “Kara has significantly expanded the scope of District programs and positioned us as a trusted, preferred partner in federal, state and local service contracts,” Brown said. “She is very worthy of this recognition.”
The District is proud of the following acheivements:
- District Awarded Nation’s Highest Honor in Caregiving:The District’s Wellness & Caregiver Center of Ventura County (Caregiver Center) is the national winner of the prestigious 2017 Rosalynn Carter Leadership in Caregiving Award. The Caregiver Center was selected as this year’s winner for its outstanding community work in public awareness, evidence-based programming, and advocacy on behalf of caregivers. Former First Lady Mrs. Carter presented the award, which has become known as the nation’s highest award given in the caregiving field, at the 30th Anniversary of the Rosalynn Carter Institute (RCI) Summit and Gala Awards in Georgia.
- District’s Adult Day Center awarded Innovative Program of the Year: California Special Districts Association has se;ected the adult day center as the California's innovative program of the year for the person-centered philosophy of care. We encourage you to come and see this fantastic center!
- California's Only Program Certified In REACH: The District has been selected as the only program in California to receive certification in the Rosalynn Carter Institute’s award-winning, evidence-based REACH (Resources and Education for Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health) program in recognition of the District’s excellence in providing training, education and resources for family caregivers.
- District Recieves Partnership Grant from Gold Coast Health Plan: $150,000 innovative partnership grant to provide support, improve access to quality health care during transitions between care settings, and thereby reduce unnecessary hospital readmissions. Patients are at increased risk for a host of potential problems when moving from one care setting to another and this program will utilize the District’s Health Promotion Coaches to assist with the transition to a new care setting and provide ongoing care management support. The program also addresses the critical role of family caregivers by providing adequate and appropriate family support.
- District's Adult Day Center Selected for Johns Hopkins Research Study: The Camarillo Health Care District’s adult day center is one of only 30 sites selected throughout the United States to participate in the Adult Day Services Plus Initiative (ADS) project. This project is a research study spearheaded by Johns Hopkins University and the University of Minnesota, and funded in part by the National Institute on Aging. ADS is a care management program to improve the experience and capabilities of family caregivers by providing connection to resources, education about dementia, counseling, emotional support, stress reduction techniques, and skills to manage difficult behaviors.
- One of Six Selected for SCAN Foundation Grant: The District is proud to be one of only six organizations in California selected to receive $100,000 from The SCAN Foundation to support each organization in developing new health sector partnerships.
- Nationally Recognized Master Trainer Organization: The District a nationally recognized for designing and implementing new models of evidence-based care as a Master Trainer organization.
- Developed Health Promotion Coalition: The District was proud to lead the development of the Ventura County Evidence-Based Health Promotion Coalition and help secure funding for its sustainability.
- Ventura County Hospital to Home Alliance: The District was proud to help secure funding from The SCAN Foundation for the Ventura County Hospital to Home Alliance to participate in a statewide initiative to integrate long-term supports and services in the health care continuum across California.
- Founding Member of Partners At Home: The District is proud to be a founding member of Partners at Home, a growing state-wide network pioneering a new specialty of care.
Ralston holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations, a master’s degree in business administration, and is a certified statewide special district administrator.