Serving During COVID-19
Your health remains our top priority. Classes, sessions and support groups that can be effectively transitioned to a virtual or hybrid platform continue to be worked on. Please inquire about options you are interested in or review the latest Healthy Attitudes magazine here.
We're pleased to continue transitioning many programs into virtual service opportunities for you. Please know that while it may not be feasible or reasonable for every type of class or group to transition to a virtual platform, we continue to work diligently toward making as many services as possible available during COVID-19 closures and restrictions.
Latest Virtual Programs!
Please click here, to read about the Digital Bridge Program, and click here to read about the Zoom Room Program. The Digital Bridge Program offers no-cost, one-on-one telephone or in-person sessions on learning how to utilize your smart phone, computer devices, and other applications required for virtual services. The Zoom Room Program offers a no-charge, confidential computer room at the Camarillo Health Care District for you to utilize if you don't have computer devices or Wi-Fi connections or smart phones at your home. We look forward to hearing from you!
Serving You During COVID-19
Please review the following programs to see how they have been adapted to better serve you during the health pandemic:
- Caregiver Resources
- Care Management
- Digital Bridge Program
- Elder Legal Services
- Home Delivered Meals
- Senior Support Line
- Support Groups
- Zoom Room Program
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